Friday, February 24, 2012

Story Elements: RL.01.RS.03.01
“Thank You Ma’am” by Langston Hughes
You must answer all these in complete sentences in a post on your blog

For this story, describe the:
Exposition:When the writer describes the tall woman with a purse ___________________________________________________________________
Rising Action: when the boy shows up and attempts to take her purse _________________________________________________________________
Main Climax: when the boy learns his lesson _________________________________________________________________
Falling Action: when the boy is given money and told good night _________________________________________________________________
Denouement: you dont need to rob people _________________________________________________________________
What is the central (main) conflict TYPE (character vs. world)

How so? the homeless kid must face the world

Name and briefly explain 2 other conflict TYPES in the story? the boy is scared of the woman in the beginning, making it

Who is the round/dynamic character? How can you tell?

Who is the flat/static character? How can you tell?

Describe Mrs. Jones’ character: PROVE it

Describe Roger’s character (remember to think about all aspects, as there are many) PROVE it

Create a theme statement. (what was the moral of the story)

How can you tell this is the theme?

How does the way the plot is laid out help make this story unique?

Where, most likely is the setting for this story? How can you tell?

How would you describe the way Mrs. Jones treats Roger?

What kind of people usually do this and why do they do it at all?

What was revealed by Roger’s action when he slid over so she could see him from the other room?

Analyze how Roger’s view of Mrs. Jones changed from the beginning to the end of the story.

Name two places in the story there was foreshadowing? Explain and tell how you can tell.

What imagery is painted in your head after reading this story?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

20 words 


Able to use both hands equally well


expressing sorrow; mournful


Becoming thinner towards one end


The state of being at rest; freedom from activity


The highest point; summit


likely to occur at any moment; impending


Causing vertigo; dizzy or dizzying


Large ammount or excess of something


Not clear enough to be read


Unfit to be eaten

End of medium words

Hard words


a medicine that alleviates pain


A garden with fantastically clipped shrubs


pertaining to or made of glass


a studio or workshop, especially that of an artist


threatening or menacing


one who is learning the alphabet


a coating of ice; frost


to melt away


shining brilliantly; radiant


Blooming or blossoming

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New short book

Before i embark on my larger story, 2010, im going to be reading a shorter graphic novel called "portal 2: lab rat" which outlines events occuring between two video games, two games i adore, because most if not all games from the past decade focus on as much gore, brutality, and violence as they can. now, i agree sometimes its fun to go on a murderous killing spree, but i love the portal games because they focus on the story-line and make you think and have puzzles you must complete to pass "test chambers". there's an evil overlord computer named "glaDOS" that governs a facility called "aperture science".  also, these games happen in the same universe as the "half life" series, which i would argue to be the best games ever made. the balance violence with action, puzzles with story, and gameplay with events. its a very cool phisics engine aswell, meaning in the game you can intreact with every object. very cool.

anyway i will start reading portal lab rat now and update when i log.


This story begins by introducing the main character, Rattman, who feels his mind lies to him.
he is inside aperture science and appears to be hiding- probably from glaDOS. he sees a figure- unmistakably it is Chell, the girl you play as in the portal games. by the events taking place this story is starting about mid-way through the first portal. Rattman sees Chell running, and after a debate with a cube he carries along with him, he decides she must not be a figment of his imagination and that she must really be there because the "turrets", robots with guns, saw her and started shooting. Rattman furiously runs to a locker, which we now know to be his, and pulls out two pills with a note attached to the bottle reading "for the end times". his "cube", (which only speaks to him when hes not under meds) tells him not to take them, but he has too, and begs his cube to understand. he tells him "im going to need a clear mind for what is to come".


as ratmann runs with the cube on his back, the background image is a bunch of puzzle pieces falling together and creating scenes from aperture science. this may be for shadowing of everything falling into place. the rattman exchanges a small conversation. after the rattman paints a mural of Chell to mark the occasion,
the cube asks "where is the girl now?" rattman reply's "on her way to the final chamber." the final chamber in the first portal game is where you battle glaDOS, so the cube reply's "you mean with... her?" as rattman looks through some files of chell we see a "boom" and papers fly everywhere. if you play portal you know this is the final explosion, where all systems are sent offline and glados finally is destroyed.

**** i need to point out i have started a new book and will log it upon the completion of this novel****

log3: the take down of glados and thew shut down of aperture science is confimed when rattman sees the broken, destroyed glados. the next page is a flashback to his days working at aperture science.
he has a conversation with his coworker henry. they are in charge of creating glados, and after talking about how it trys to kill them instantly, rattman expresses he would have rather worked on other projects.
returning to  the present, the cube asks rattman where chell is. rattman tells that she is probably outside, soaking up some sun. and that they should do the same.

log4: the next few slides are rattman escaping aperture and leaving through an exit door. just then the cube yells at him to get down. they peek over the edge of the folded street light and see a "party escort bot" dragging an unconscious chell back into aperture. glados is not ready to give up yet-
next is another flashback. rattman working at aperture, when a collegue waltzes in looking for some help. he needs a hand to turn on a machine hes been working on, one that resembles a sphere. in portal, these are known as "cores" and they are what regulate glados' mood. theres a fact core for knowledge, a curiosity core for interest in knowledge, a moral core for not pumping neurotoxin into the facility and killing everyone, ext. the flashback ends with the co-worker explaining how this particular core gives glados a conscience. rattman replys with a despair filled  "you can always ignore your conscience"

at the return to reality, or, should i say, rattmans twisted cube-talking illusion filled hallucination of a reality, where he held another small convorsation with the cube. rattman looks into the sunset mournfully, and the cube interjects with "you dont need to go back in there". rattman knows what he must do, so he tells the cube his life may be at risk but he must try. against any sane mans conscience, rattman and the cube head back inside aperture. once running through its halls rattman exclaimes that he isnt feeling well, probably on account of the pills. these pills were supposed to keep his schizophrenia to a low even though it was actually
a reasonable paranoia. the cube tells him he wont need him anymore, to which rattman replys "ill always need you"

rattman spots a relaxation chamber and takes a closer look. it holds chell, which means aperture intends on holding her for a while. rattman must get to cryo chambers, but turrets block the way.
***will finish later***

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

i am sick so i cannot provide feedback for boot camp-

however i am able to find 20 words to study.

    1) recreation
    2) pantomime
    3) survey
    4) apathetic
    5) tapered
    6) swashbuckler
    7) vociferous
    8) meager
    9) equine
  10) lurk
  11) turbulent
  12) conch
  13) ascending
  14) preen
  15) labrynth
  16) urban
  17) eerie
  18) haughty
  19) slab
  20) wake

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

States an authors purpose

hit 4:

1) The first issue of wolverine, published by marvel in 1982.
Authors purpose: entertain, i know this because wolverine is a comic book.

2) A pamphlet explaining how an unborn child may be affected when a pregnant mother smokes.
Authors purpose: i think this not only informs, but also persuades. it is a pamphlet, so its made
to inform. but by informing your getting them to not smoke while they are pregnant, and thats persuading.

3) a novel about a young girl faced with a difficult decision after getting pregnant her junior year.
Authors purpose: this is probably meant to entertain, as humans enjoy the drama of others. however it may also be informing- mabey the story has a moral?

4)the terms of service for facebook:
Authors Purpose:
the terms of use are an information ridden list of rights you have with facebook and also they persuade you to not take content when they list the disciplinary actions to be taken when you dont follow by the rules.

5)a speech written urging young people to stay in school.
authors purpose: to persuade kids to stay in school.

6)Directions to a mall
authors perpose: to inform you how to get to the mall.

7)the ingredients listed on the side of a candy bar wrapper:
authors perpose: the author, the candy bar company, wouldent have put it there if they didnt have to:
the point though is to inform the reader of the candy bars ingredients.

8)the lyrics to "billy jean"
the lyrics have little to no meaning as far as i know: so mainly, especially since its a song, are meant to entertain.

9)a letter from a pregnant girl to her boyfriend giving reasons why they should keep the baby.
authors purpose: to persuade the boyfriend.

10)the instuctions for a new touch screen tablet pcs.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Standard #7: Reads a book

i will read a new book i got for christmas- 2010- Odyssey Two.
also i will try audio logs and see if they work for me.

will read everyday for 20 minutes and log at least 3 days a week

I am starting a new book, "2010: odyssey two"
                                         by Arthur C. Clarke

i am going to begin reading- and i have read the authors intro and notes. now to begin the actual story.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What im doing today 1/25

today im focusing on ways i can gain standards and level up- formulating ilps and figuring efficiant methods.